Strategy and Vision 2030
Strategy and Vision 2030
Bahri has made meaningful strides towards realizing long-term strategic goals during the course of 2023. Growth and diversity are key pillars that drive the business and its operations, and the Company has made remarkable progress in the past year towards driving significant change to both a number of processes and its approach to the revenue base. By prioritizing our core business segments, such as Bahri Oil, Bahri Chemicals, and Bahri Logistics, we were able to further strengthen our relationships with key partners, including Saudi Aramco and SABIC, which helped support the stability of operations in the Middle East.
Increase revenue
Growth and development of the Company’s business to increase revenue
Global provider
Development of the Company to become a global provider of logistical services
Leading position
Achievement of a leading position in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s logistical services sector
Logistics operations
Diversification of Bahri’s revenue base through expansion in logistics operations
Shareholders and employees
Creation of added value for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, shareholders, and employees